Le contenu de ce site n'est plus à jour et la communauté n'est plus active. Il est maintenu en ligne afin de servir d'archive des débuts de TransforMice et de sa communauté.
Si vous désirez faire supprimer vos données personnelles, envoyez un email à dpo-tmf [at] kioa.net.
These orders must be typed in the minitchat. They enable you to manage your play without passing by the menus.
• /title | To post the list of the titles which are available for you.Type then /titre X to select your title, X being the number of the selected title. |
• /room x | To join living room X, X being able to be a number, a name or a combination of figures and letters. If living room X does not exist, it will be created and you will be only top: useful if you want to be alone, and to train yourself being shamane. |
• /profile x | Post the profile of player X if he exists. |
• /mute x | Not to receive messages of X anymore, X being the nickname one of the player you want to ignore. |
• /ban x | To vote the banishment of player X. If a certain number of players asks for this banishment, X will be excluded from Transformice for one hour. |
• /c Player Message | To whisper a message with a player. Press on R to answer when you were whispered something. |
• /ami Player | To add a player in your list of friends. |
Warning : If you are on a chart where you do not have all the objects, the numbered keys are shifted. For example, if you do not have that the indicative arrow and the balloon: The arrow will correspond to key 1, and the balloon, with key 2. If you have all the objects at your disposal (most of the time, it is the case), here the keys correspondents with the objects.
Time remaining totals 20 seconds. The objects appeared at the beginning of part appear once again, including the bombs.
Time remaining reduced to 40 seconds if it remained about it more. The objects appeared at the beginning of part appear once again, including the bombs.
Died of the mouse concerned. Caution, the jumps are not regarded as movements.
Disconnected of the serveur.