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Map types

Maps can then be classified according to various types. All those which do not enter in one of the following categories are regarded as “normals”, without notable effects or traps.


Map modes

  • Duel :

    Two holes of various colors, a pink, a blue, and two chamanes, each one associated with a hole. Their goal? To rejoin the most mouse with their camp, by making them return in the hole corresponding to their color! (Example)

  • No shaman :

    As the name of the mode indicates it, these charts are played without chamane. The mice are thus delivered to themselves, on charts which they can finish alone. (Exemple)

  • Cooperation :

    Two shamans who cooperates, and who will have the same score at the end of the part. They can act as they want, in an independent way, but it's useless that they try to kill each other. This mode appears randomly on all the maps which are not DUEL, or NO SHAMAN.