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Map types
Maps can then be classified according to various types. All those which do not enter in one of the following categories are regarded as “normals”, without notable effects or traps.
- Cheese teleportation:
The cheese is placed in a place inaccessible at the beginning, and it should be waited until it is teleported to be able to reach it. The chamane cannot act, and the mice are bombarded during waiting. (Example)
- Scruffle:
Each mouse occupies of space on the map, and the contact between the mice is taken into account. They can thus push, assemble the ones on the others, etc the place can miss if the mice are very numerous. (Example)
- Balance:
They are composed only of one board posed in balance on a pillar. The mice can make it rock on a side or other with their weight. It is thus necessary to be distributed to keep it in balance. (Example)
- Counterweight:
These maps have of a wood door and a platform. The platform should be ballasted, with cases for example, so that the door opens. (Example)
- Bombardment:
These maps are compensated of a ground apparently stripped of traps, but from the explosive bombs or balloons fall from the sky to regular interval, at precise or random places according to the maps. The shock wave sends out of ground the mice or the objects which touch them. An alternative (map 7) consists of a bomb with delayed-action, which does not explode with the contact, but after a certain duration. (Example)
- Laboratory mice:
On these maps, mice, and sometimes the chamane, how the part locked up in a cage. They must thus make move the cage, and evolve in group, of the same movement. (Example)
- Cheese moon:
On these maps, gravity is reduced. The mice jump higher but more slowly. (Example)
- Storm:
These maps are swept by a strong east-west wind, which pushes back the mice and the objects towards their starting point. They must thus fight and continuously go ahead not to fall.
- Trapped floor:
Worse than a catch-mouse, these maps are composed of an apparently flat ground, without danger, but they are actually full of traps ! Cunningly hidden gaps, or apparently stable floors, which falls or move with the weight of mice, or special floors which kill us if we touch them. (Example)
- Duel:
Two holes of different color, a pink, a blue, and two chamanes, each one associated with a hole. Their goal? To rejoin the most mouse with their camp, by making them return in the hole corresponding to their color! (Example)
- Upside down:
A map completely reversed. The commands are also reversed: The right key makes you go on the left, and the left makes you go on the right (in the absolute). All the reference marks are disturbed, be careful... (Example)
- Ice:
These maps have grounds or blocks of ice, very slipping, and sometimes unstable. The mice slip above, but can also push them when they are posed on normal grounds. However, the wall jump seems to be impossible on these blocks, too slipping so that one could clings on it. (Example)
Map modes
- Duel :
Two holes of various colors, a pink, a blue, and two chamanes, each one associated with a hole. Their goal? To rejoin the most mouse with their camp, by making them return in the hole corresponding to their color! (Example)
- No shaman :
As the name of the mode indicates it, these charts are played without chamane. The mice are thus delivered to themselves, on charts which they can finish alone. (Exemple)
- Cooperation :
Two shamans who cooperates, and who will have the same score at the end of the part. They can act as they want, in an independent way, but it's useless that they try to kill each other. This mode appears randomly on all the maps which are not DUEL, or NO SHAMAN.