Le contenu de ce site n'est plus à jour et la communauté n'est plus active. Il est maintenu en ligne afin de servir d'archive des débuts de TransforMice et de sa communauté.
Si vous désirez faire supprimer vos données personnelles, envoyez un email à dpo-tmf [at] kioa.net.
Transformice, or TM, is a new multiplayer minigame created by Tigrounette. She's the famous author of Aaaah, Froteresse, Bouboum and Dead Meat. It's a flash game which can be played directly in your browser, at this adress. However, for a better game performance, and to avoid some lag, you can download the exe version by clicking here: Download ! (It doesnt exists anymore, but we can find ways to play with it anyway).
To join this little world, you just have to choose a nickname and login!
Note : You can also create an account, so you'll can take part in the forum, use the shop, and speak in the tchat while playing. Otherwise, you can simply choose a nickname, and you'll be considered as a guest. Your nickname will be preceeded by a star (*), so the other players will know you're not registered.