Le contenu de ce site n'est plus à jour et la communauté n'est plus active. Il est maintenu en ligne afin de servir d'archive des débuts de TransforMice et de sa communauté.
Si vous désirez faire supprimer vos données personnelles, envoyez un email à dpo-tmf [at] kioa.net.

The fansite of TransforMice was made and coded by Kazaekiel and Poly. 
The design was conceived by Kazaekiel, with pictures directly took from the minigame TransforMice.
TMF staff
- Thank you Ringer (for completing the titles list, and the maps strategies)
- Thank you Mirodin (for finding the maps names)
- Thank you Hasuke, Toinh (for helping with the shop)
- Thank you Thiht (for writing about the "Survivor mode" in the rules)
- Thank you Toinh (for making tutorial videos for the shaman (videos))
- Thank you SusuPanda (for contributing to "As a mouse" strategies ((Wall jump and derivatives))
- Thank you GeckoMellow (for contributing to the shop, maps, and helping with the translation)
- Thank you YunaYukiko (for contributing to the shop and the maps list)
And all the others
Warre, antisouris, Stolz, Gattaca, ramlek, itopaki, Kama, Jeezer, Alexaaaandre, Luc, Fivda